BSF Mizoram-Cachar frontier seizes over huge haul of contraband on borders in 2024

The force apprehended 27 Indians, 1 Bangladeshi, 2 Myanmarese, total 30 persons with Narcotics items were made in 2024

New Delhi, January 8

Thr Mizoram & Cachar Frontier of the Border Security Force (BSF) carried out various operations against narcotics and cattle smuggling. 

This frontier guards borders of South Assam in the Barak Valley and whole of Mizoram along Bangladesh border. Apart from this, the Frontier has considerable deployment in Manipur on Law and Order duties and in Nagaland on Counter - Insurgency Role.

Under the able command of BSF Officers and sincere and dedicated duties of the Jawans, the International Border is being guarded round the clock in a highly professional and effective manner so much so that all types of border crimes such as drug trafficking, cattle smuggling, theft of forest products, illegal and unauthorized entry into or exit from Indian territory has been checked effectively.

During the year 2024, Mizoram & Cachar Frontier BSF carried out a number of operations and made remarkable achievements by effecting seizures of various contraband items in the border area and in the hinterland. 

The force apprehended 27 Indians, 1 Bangladeshi, 2 Myanmarese, total 30 persons with Narcotics items were made in 2024

BSF also carried out number of programmes round the year for the border population to win their hearts and minds. The activities included Medical Camps, Civic Action Programmes, Border Area Development Programmes, Drug Awareness Programmes, Programmes to encourage youths of the border villages and school students to join BSF, Cleanliness drives, Celebration of Teacher’s Day, Weapon Exhibitions with an aim to inculcate a sense of security among the border people and various sporting events like Volley ball, football and other competitions that were organized with the local civil population. Prizes were distributed to the winners and runners up.

To extend a helping hand to the border population, BSF organized a number of Civic Action programmes during the year 2024-25 in Barak Valley and Mizoram. The Civic Action programme was also conducted in Manipur and Nagaland states. Various essential items were distributed such as Medicines, furniture, computers, sports items, water filters and water storage tanks, submersible pumps, solar lights, agriculture tools and clothes etc. During the year 2024, BSF also extended CSD Canteen facilities in Manipur at all their locations for the civil public and the Internally Displaced persons at subsidized and affordable rates.

As a Border Guarding Force, the BSF always maintains good relation with its counterpart i.e BGB and resolves all border issues with an open, optimistic and positive mind by holding regular meetings at various levels. 


Yaba Tablets:  7,25,031 Nos

Heroin: 135 Gms

Crystal Methamphetamine:  05 Kgs

Ganja: 112 Kgs

Codeine based Cough syrup:  720 Bottles

Phensedyl: 1205 Bottles

Cattles:    236 Nos 




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