Daylight robbery at a jewellery store in West Bengal, police shoot down the criminals

Gang of eight armed men entered a jewellery store for daylight robbery and fled with bags of robbed jewellery, cash

New Delhi, June 10

A gang of robbers committed an audacious daylight robbery at a jewellery store in Asansol of West Bengal prompting police to open fire and arrest two of them after an encounter. 

The police stated that eight armed men, believed to be between 22 and 25 years old, stormed the jewellery store on June 9 afternoon. 

The CCTV cameras captured the incident and showed how the robbers overpowered the security guard, seizing his firearm, before whipping out guns of all shapes and sizes. They then proceeded to rob the store while holding staff and customers hostage at gunpoint. 

The gang tried to flee on their motorbikes with the bags of jewellery but were overpowered by police units that acted promptly. 

One suspect sustained injuries during the exchange. Another was apprehended with the help of Giridih police in neighbouring Jharkhand. The police have launched a manhunt for the absconding gang members. 


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