Delhi Police Implements Crime Mapping, Analytics & Predictive System (CMAPS)

CMAPS is being implemented under the aegis of “Effective use of Space Technology-based tools for Internal Security Scheme”. This scheme was initiated by the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. CMAPS has been built with free and open source tools. It supports Crime Mapping from Dial-100, CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems), archived crime data visualization on satellite data and other vector layers corresponding to landmarks, built-up areas, road networks, police stations etc.

A major feature of CMAPS is it generates crime reporting queries. It will have the capacity of Crime Analytics for identifying hotspots by auto sweep on Dial-100. It would happen on every 1 to 3 minutes. It does not only analyze the crime trends and profiling of crime/criminals but also analyze the suspects. In fact, it does more. CMAPS ranks police districts, it identifies limits of police stations, with graph formats. It will generate law and order reporting and hotspots based on law and order situations.

In addition, there will be a news module for analyzing non-reported crime, which includes automotive geo-tagging and classification. Similarly, there will be a security module for VIP target threat rating, based on critically vulnerability, security deployed at the target, advanced predictive analysis modeling trend and pattern of crime behavior.

The next stage in Delhi Police modernization involves – combining the data being created under various initiatives and available in open channels into meaningful information so as to make it available to the stakeholders for better decision-making. Systems like EI2S (Enterprise Information Integrated Systems) and OSANT (Open Source Analysis System) are planned under a World Bank project. Under these the information available at different units will be gathered on a single platform. This will be integrated with the information available in open source in the virtual world and made available to the police officers at a single click. For its effective utilization, the field officers shall be equipped with Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) to access this information. Through these PDAs and MDTs, field staff will also be able to cross-match the biometrics of suspects on ground with the available data of their criminal antecedents, apart from matching their photographs and other personal details, and take immediate remedial action.

Automated e-FIR to e-Final Report is being considered by the Delhi Police as an important milestone to achieve the goal of smart policing. Police officers believe that e-Saathi app shall digitize the basic policing tool i.e. beat-system. It is being considered by officers that it shall enable real time interaction of people with area police personnel. Police officers also believe that initiatives like Crime Mapping Analytics & Preventive System (CMAPS) shall put Delhi Police in the company of the most advanced police organizations in the world.

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