Delhi Police upgrades automation and digitization to provide update on Investigation to complainants

New Delhi, January 9

In order to enhance its citizen service delivery for complainant satisfaction, Delhi police has upgraded its online citizen services and  has started providing automatically generated updates to complainants on the investigation of their cases. 

As per direction of Delhi CP Rakesh Asthana, apart from the registration of the FIR, the complainants will now also be informed about arrest of accused and filing of charge sheet/ final report, on their mobile numbers and through email.

When there are multiple accused, the update will be  sent in case of arrest of each of the accused person, as and when they are arrested, officials added. 

When an FIR is registered, the complainant is required to mention her/his mobile number or email address, wherein the updates on FIR Registration and assigning of IO for  investigation or chargesheet/final report can be given to them. 

This development comes after CP Delhi, Shri Rakesh Asthana directed the Crime Branch led by Spl CP (Crime) Devesh Srivastava, to ensure regular updating of complainants on the progress of investigation at various stages.

Since upgradation of this online service, 4654 messages have been sent to complainants regarding registration of FIR, while 4807 messages for arrests made. Likewise, 1485 messages have been delivered for informing the complainants about submission of Final Report out of total 11376 such automatically generated messages. 

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