'Connecting the dots' strategy by IPS officer Robin Hibu brought smiles and relief to numerous North Easterns

Robin Hibu
New Delhi, December 16
During unprecedented Covid crisis wherein hapless citizens from far flung NE states were stranded without rations, oxygen, medicines and cremation/ burials.
Amidst the silence eerie cries for succour from all over India. I was flooded with request for sos assistance through NE NGO Helping Hands from different cities had to called up my batchmates all over India for emergency assistance for rations, medicines, oxygen, burials, cremations by joining the initiative.
' Connecting the Dots ' ........
60th FC officers, my enigmatic batchmates happily chipped in to be nodal officers for their States and UTs through innovative strategy - 'CONNECTING THE DOTS' of all states and UTs by volunteering to be nodal officers for their states and UTs for ensuring that no hill folks go hungry by ensuring timely rations and oxygen, decent burials, cremations through their DMs & DCsP/ SSsP rations and oxygen distributions strategies.
North East NGO Helping Hands had 24/7 Control Room at Safdarjung Enclave Delhi manned by NGO volunteers shift wise at Delhi who received all SOS messages from all over india through their community organizations/ students unions through centralized 24/7 mobile number - 9810083486 by whatsapp/ sms mess or by emailing at helpinghands2016th@gmail.com.
I had privileged to macro managed in this gigantic three months reach out to distressed vulnerable hilly folks by connecting our samaritan 60th FC batchmates, who received the list of the stranded NE citizens with addresses and mobile numbers send by me every morning at 9 am and in the late evening at 7 pm , all the recipients of rations, oxygen etc acknowledged back to our control room's mobile by whatsapp or email with photos of their rations, medicines, oxygen even sanitary pads for young girls which they received from DMs / SSPs all over the country.
We gave decent burial to the cousin brother of Mary Kom whose body was lying for days in mortuary. He died due to COVID 19.
We started OXYGEN ATM with an ambulance donated by philanthropic sardar Baldeep Singh, who even allowed his building for storage of oxygen and medicines at West Delhi for needy covid Delhi NCR by this initiative, managed to collect oxygen cylinder/ oxygen kit from Delhi NCR, Meerut, Agra, Rohtak, Noida etc.
Touched by philanthropic gestures of MOS Home Nityanand Rai, Muthoot Group, Sunrise India, Akash Institute, NEC and many other individuals who donated rations, pads, medicines, oxygen kits etc for our massive relief and succour operation.
17 North East Organizations/ students unions have asked me to convey north east people's gratefulness and thanks to 60th FC Officers my enigmatic batchmates for their unflinching support during hours of hapless reckoning times in cities, stranded, without rations, medicines and far away from our homes and loved ones waiting anxiously in hills and mountains in Himalaya NE states.
Officers with golden hearts of 60th FC LBSNAA along with few other IAS IPS officers who stood up beyond the call of duties are - Vinit Wankhade, Navdeep Virk, Kuldep Ranka, Syed Geelani, Asim Arun,Dr Rajendra Dhoke, Dr Ramachandran Rao, Sushant Nath , Raja Babu, Ajay Kumar, Peeyush, Amit Kumar, Moses Chalai, Indra Malo, Hage Mamung, Sanjay Lohia, Soumnya Mishra, Shivdar Reddy, Prashant Lokhande, Scl Dass, Omvir Bishnoi, Manoj Pingua, Vijay Dev, Manoj Abraham.
To me this tiny reach out OPERATION, 1 lakhs 27 thousands tribals stranded were extended assistances during covid crisis all over India of wiping tears to vulnerable section by 60th FC batchmates reiterated - the hidden power of esprit the corps of batchmates of LBSNAA, Mussorrie.
Nothing connects like batchmates, nothing works more seamless and focus when teamed with batchmates.
Senior IPS officer Robin Hibu is Special Commissioner of Armed Unit in Delhi Police and a messiah for numerous citizens of North East in India.
He won the prestigious Excellence in Public Service Award 2022. Former President of India, Ram Nath Kovind and Assam CM Himanto Biswas will hand over the award to DG Robin Hibu on December 19.