Pune police arrests realtor and father of teen who killed two techies with his Porche

Vishal Agarwal a real estate developer was absconding after the incident and arrested from Aurangabad

New Delhi, May 21

A day after the j17-year-old boy who killed two innocent persons with his speeding Porche car in Kalyaninagar of Pune got bail, the Pune Police have arrested the father of the boy.

Vishal Agrawal, real estate developer was arrested from Maharashtra's Aurangabad based on a case registered against him. He was absconding after the incident. 

The victims have been identified as Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, his partner. They were both 24-years-old and worked in the IT sector. Koshta died on the spot, while Awadhiya succumbed to injuries at the hospital.

The Pune teenager was under the influence of alcohol when he rammed his speeding Porche into the two wheeler of the technies. The district court granted him bail within 14 hours of his detention. The district court cited that the crime was not "serious" enough to deny him bail. The bail was, however, granted on certain conditions, including undergoing psychiatric evaluation and treatment, working alongside traffic police for 15 days, and writing a 300 word essay on road accidents. 

The police probe showed that the Porche was on the streets of Pune since March without registration. There was no number plate on the car and a temporary number plate was put up. The teen was also served alcohol in a bar which is under the scanner for doing so. The father of the teenager and the bar which served liquor to the 17-year-old are being proceeded against under Sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act.


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