Delhi police arrests a former civil defence personnel for posing as courier boy, attempting robbery

The accused woman tried to rob her neighbour posing as a courier boy and then attempting to rob at fake gunpoint however her plan failed

New Delhi, May 30

The Delhi Police has arrested a former civil defence employee who impersonated a "courier boy" and allegedly tried to rob her neighbour in Chhawla area of Delhi. 

The accused was identified as Rekha, a resident of Somesh Vihar in Chhawla.  She had been unemployed for some time and was finding it tough to run her household.

As per the case details, on May 23, police got a call regarding an attempted robbery. the complainant told police that a courier boy came to her house and asked for a pen to sign on a delivery paper. She said that when she went inside to get the pen, the person followed her caught her and hit her several times with the toy pistol that made her face bleed.

The victim said the person had his face covered with a towel and was wearing a helmet and gloves in his hands.

The police began probing and found that on May 24, police got information that the accused was hiding in Somesh vihar. Later, on the basis of this CCTV footage, Rekha was arrested.

DCP (Dwarka) Ankit Singh stated that as per the plan, on May 23, she disguised herself as a courier boy, covering her face with a towel and wearing a helmet. She carried a toy pistol, gloves, rope and clothes in her backpack, a courier bag in her hand, and an umbrella over her head. After she couldn't rob her, she ran away and changed her clothes on the stairs of a neighbouring house. She returned to the victim's house and joined the people gathered there so that no one could suspect her.

The police recovered a courier bag, one toy pistol, gloves, two ropes, an umbrella, and a helmet from the possession of the accused. 


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