Intel expert and tech savvy, Ravi Sinha is the new Chief of the R&AW

New Delhi, June 20

The Centre has appointed senior IPS officer, Ravi Sinha as the new Chief of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), country's premiere intel agency for a tenure of two years. 

The 1988 batch officer of the Chhattisgarh cadre, currently the Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, will replace Samant Goel, whose tenure will end on June 30.

Ravi Sinha is known for his understanding of sensitive issues such as Jammu and Kashmir, the Northeast and LWE (Left Wing Extremism). He is an expert of intelligence services and has a reputation at the Centre and the IPS officers for his work in the intelligence and internal security. 

He is known to have a sound grip on neighbourhood developments, besides J&K, North East, and Left Wing Extremists domains where he has served at different points in time. 

Interestingly, Sinha is the batchmate of senior IPS officer, Tapan Deka, who heads the Intelligence Bureau, was head of operations in IB for many years. 

With Sinha now heading the R&AW and Tapan Deka heading the IB, the government has brought in field experts to head the top intelligence agencies of the country. 

Ravi Sinha is taking charge of the position at a crucial time, when Sikh extremism and ethnic violence in Manipur are likely to be some of his immediate challenges. 

He is an alumnus of an alumnus of St Stephen's College in Delhi.

He had previously been lauded for his tech-savvy approach to the field of intelligence collection. He is expected to integrate technological and human intelligence dimensions to address the challenges of today's times in his new role.

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