ITBP launches international level mountaineering expedition

New Delhi, March 21
The Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) the flagged off ceremony of the mountaineering expedition was organized at ITBP Headquarters, New Delhi. Force Chief Shri Rahul Rasgotra, IPS flagged off the expedition by handing over the flag to the expedition-team-leader Shri Anup Kumar, Deputy Commandant.
This mountaineering expedition will be undertaken on the mountain peaks of ‘Makalu (Ht. 8485 Mtr)’ & ‘Annapurna (Ht. 8091 Mtr)’ located in Nepal. 12 mountaineers of the force are participating in this expedition. These mountaineers successfully climbed Force level mountaineering expedition ‘Mount Kamet (Ht. 7756 Mtr) and Mount Abi-Gamin (Ht. 7355 Mtr)’ during last year.
Addressing on this occasion, DG ITBP Rahul Rasgotra said that ITBP has successfully conducted hundreds of national and international mountaineering expeditions in the past. He also told that such expeditions enable the soldiers to perform duties in mountainous areas.