Phishing attack on SC website:- Fake website impersonating as SC website traced

New Delhi, September 1

The Delhi Police IFSO has registered an FIR in connection with a fake website of Supreme. Court. The fake website is impersonating the original website of Supreme Court. 

The Supreme Court has also issued a notification to the staffers and legal fraternity. 

The notification stated, "The Registry, Supreme Court of India has been made aware of a phishing attack. A fake website, impersonating the official website has been created and hosted on the URL 1 – http://cbins/ and". 

It further mentioned, "The attackers through the URL –“Offence of Money-Laundering” are soliciting personal details, and confidential information. Any visitor on the above URLs is strongly advised not to share and divulge any personal and confidential information, as the same shall enable the perpetrators to steal the information"

"The Registry strongly advises the public at large, to neither click nor share on links they receive without verifying the authenticity. Please note that the Registry, Supreme Court of India will never ask for personal information, financial details or other confidential information. Please also note that the Supreme Court of India is the registered user of the domain name and before clicking on any URL always hover over the URL to verify the same". 

It added, "In case you have been a victim of the above phishing attack, please change your passwords for all your online accounts and also contact your bank, credit card company, to report such unauthorized access". 

It also said, "The Registry, Supreme Court of India has taken due concern of the phishing attack and has flagged the same with law enforcement agencies, to investigate the phishing attack and bring the perpetrators to justice".

The IFSO unit of Special Cell has begun a probe in this matter. 

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