Exclusive chat with Ace shooter, Olympian, Punjab Police SSP Avneet Kaur Sidhu

SSP Avneet Kaur Sidhu is a noted ace shooter and Olympian from Punjab who brought more than 100 national and international medals in shooting. She is a recipient of Arjuna Award from the President of India. In this conversation with BW POLICEWORLD, she talks about her journey from ace shooting to policing on how she got into shooting and now a police officer handling border district Fazilka on Indo Pakistan border. She is one of the known women officers of Punjab Police on key posts. She is married to former captain of Indian Hockey Team Rajpal Singh who is also serving in Punjab Police. Watch to know more on her illustrious career! #PunjabPolice #SSPFazilka #SSP AvneetKaurSidhu #Aceshooting #Olympics

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