Anu Asthaana takes charge as President of Police Welfare Family Association

New Delhi, July 31

Anu Asthana wife of Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthaana assumed the charge of President PFWS in the advent of the new Chief Patron of PFWS.

She was welcomed in her office chambers at 17 Mother Teresa Crescent Road, New Delhi by Asif Mohd Ali, DCP Welfare cum Secretary of PWFS.

The secretary apprised the new President on the welfare activities undertaken by PFWS. Thereafter, the President interacted with the senior team leaders and Delhi police officials of welfare unit where the core members of the society introduced themselves to the new President.

The President, PFWS emphasized that while the Delhi Police officers are engaged in hard duties round-the-clock they should have confidence that their families will be taken care of by the establishment. It is here that PFWS must play an active and meaningful role and ensure that their families have been taken care of. 

The wives of young officers should come forward and those officers of AGMUT cadre even though posted in segments outside Delhi should feel themselves a part of PFWS and contribute. 

The legacy of good-work done by PFWS under the leadership of former Presidents must be carried forward in true spirit and explore new dimensions leading PFWS to greater heights.

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