CISF takes key steps to prevent suicides in the force
New Delhi, January 4
The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has taken key steps in combating this challenge by implementing a series of proactive measures which has led to substantial reduction in suicides of force members in 2024.
In a written response to a question, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai said 144 suicides were reported in CAPF, NSG and AR in 2020, 157 in 2021, 138 in 2022, 157 in 2023 and 134 in 2024, accounting for 730 cases in five years.
As per the latest NCRB data, the national suicide rate stood at 12.4 per lakh in 2022. In comparison, CISF has significantly reduced its suicide rate to 9.87 per lakh in 2024, a decline of over 40% from 2023. It is for the first time in the last five years that CISF suicide rate has fallen below the national rate. CISF has taken series of steps to address mental health issues on proactive basis, leading to a substantial reduction in suicides.
Personalized Engagement:
Commanding officers regularly visit duty posts to foster direct communication under the motto “Know Your Men and Hear Your Men.”
Coy Commanders hold daily “briefing –debriefing” to promptly identify and address signs of distress.
Stress Management Initiatives:
Yoga classes are regularly conducted in units by 650 CISF personnel trained as Yoga Instructors, and atleast, one instructor in every unit.
One-hour games session involving both Jawans and Officers is conducted in each unit.
Online Grievance Portal:
An online grievance redressal system has been implemented, that allows timely monitoring of grievances at all levels (up to the level of DG), ensuring timely resolution of grievances.
Project Mann:
It provides mental health support through 24x7 tele-counseling and personal counseling. Till Sept 2024 around 4200 CISF personnel have received help through this facility. Apart from it, one to one counseling facility is also implemented. This initiative has been implemented in collaboration with Aditya Birla Education Trust.
Mental Health Study through AIIMS:
Comprehensive mental health study was conducted in collaboration with AIIMS, New Delhi and actionable recommendations are being implemented at unit level.
New Posting Policy for better work-life balance:
A recent study by CISF HQrs revealed that 2/3rd of all the personnel grievances were related to posting matters which affects their personal life. Accordingly after consultation at all levels, a new HR policy was notified in December 2024 to ensure better work life balance through choice based postings. The policy will affect the NGO’s who form 98% of the manpower. The policy will also cater to the needs of working women, married couples and personnel nearing retirement.
In India, the issue has escalated over the years, as evidenced by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data. All India Suicide rates rose from 9.9 per lakh population in 2017 to 12.4 per lakh in 2022. (as per NCRB Report, Accidental deaths and Suicides in India, 2022)
As per the study done in coordination with AIIMS common reasons behind suicides were:- poor emotional support owing to nuclear families, marital disagreements and affairs, faster transmission of unpleasant information due to smart phone access, greater expectations from family, financial concerns, critical illnesses including cancers, skin diseases, and hiv) and solitude and inability to share and vent out.