Delhi Police launch training movies for policemen
New Delhi, June 8
In a drive to infuse professionalism among police personnel while performing duties that would also lead to general public feeling a new perspective on Police, Delhi CP SN Shrivastava launched two new training modules through digital means by web-launching of short movies.
The officials said that these will act as guiding factors for the staff and in particular for newly recruited police officials to help them understand the importance of their duties.
The two short movies are on “Picket Duties” and “Role & Responsibilities of Beat Officers.” These are the two most fundamental aspects of policing and police officials of National Capital of Delhi are being trained on the issues to provide people friendly services as well as professional policing.
The web-release of the movie is initially done for the trainers as well as the trainees and jointly viewed from 10 locations of Training Division of Delhi Police.
As part of efforts to prevent and detect crime, Police officials conducting checking at pickets by putting barricades is a common sight in Delhi. Making police officials realize what this duty is up to, its importance and what people expect from them is being stressed upon regularly but with the launch of the short movie on “Picket Duties”, inculcating the same in the habits of police officials, while performing duties on roadsides is being targeted.
With the launch of movie the traditional classroom mode of teaching on how to conduct checking and behavior with public have been redesigned and more innovative ways are being implemented as part of special focus on training.
In every police establishment, the grass root level policing starts from the beat level. Beat officials who performs multifarious duties in their respective areas have a significant and important role in ensuring crime prevention and detection, public outreach and controlled law and order situation. As such every beat staff is regularly sensitized on “Role & Responsibilities of Beat Officers”.
The movie has been designed in a manner to make it a learning experience for ground level formations to improve their professionalism.