Kolkata doctor case- Psychoanalytic profile of Sanjay Roy shows porn addiction, animal like instincts

Roy was a civic volunteer with Kolkata Police, Roy was arrested the day after the body of the 31-year-old trainee doctor was found at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9

New Delhi, August 23

The psychoanalytic profile of Sanjay Roy, the prime accused in the Kolkata rape-murder case, indicated that he has "animal-like instincts" and showed no remorse for the crime. The accused had confessed to Kolkata police too during his arrest and made audacious statements to hang him. 

Roy was a civic volunteer with Kolkata Police, Roy was arrested the day after the body of the 31-year-old trainee doctor was found at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9.

The CBI on August 18 had sought experts from CFSL to carry out a psychoanalytic profile of Roy. 

The CBI also found more evidence from CCTV and other technical evidence that toy was present the crime spot. The footage showed him entering the same building again at around 4 am on August 9.

The Kolkata police had also found a trove of pornographic content on the mobile phone seized from Roy. He is addicted to pornography and crimes against women. 

The CBI officer also highlighted that both technical and scientific evidence "very much support" that Roy was present at the crime scene..

Roy's residence in Bhowanipore was also visited by CBI officers where they spoke with his family, neighbours and his colleagues in the Kolkata Police force. 

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