Articles for Indian Police Department

Why Cops Prefer MP-5 Over AK-47?

Police force in Delhi and other states have many types of weapons ranging from AK-47 assault rifles to the INSAS rifles, but it is being observed that cops like to have a MP-5 sub-machine gun over every other weapon, when it comes to get them for their duty. Why is it when everybody says that rifle like AK-47 is unparalleled?

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Changing Scenario of Crime In Delhi Over Last 20 Years

The scenario of crime in Delhi has changed manifold in the last two decades. Criminal were somewhat raw those days, but now they are tech-savvy. However organized gangs of dreaded criminals, gang-wars and extortions are still exist but police have been able to control them significantly. Gangsters of U.P. have been replaced by criminals of Rohtak-Sonipat belt of Haryana. Deaths of criminals in police encounters were a common thing those days, which is rare now. Support for lower ranks from senior police officers was also a morale-booster those days, which does not or rarely exist now. Cyber crime is the new phenomena, which was not heard of those days.

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