BSF DG Pankaj Kumar Singh leading the force towards growth, modernization and strong national security

New Delhi, April 4

The Border Security Force is the first line of defense in India manning 4096.7 kilometers of the international boundary. A force with over 2.65 lakhs of brave personnel, BSF has been guarding the citizens braving the odds of snow, creeks and land borders. 

The BSF is the first force among the Central Armed Police Force (CAPFs) and the armed forces to gun down two drones from entering the Indian boundaries recently. Known for their vigilance and commitment, BSF has seized narcotics and firearms from the borders in Jammu and Punjab. 

In an exclusive interview with the BW Policeworld, Director General of Border Security Force, Pankaj Kumar Singh spoke on the relentless work of the BSF, its upward progress in adopting technology, modernization of the force and welfare of their brave men. 

Director General Pankaj Kumar Singh took over as the Chief of Border Security Force in August 2021. An Indian Police Services (IPS) officer of the 1988 batch, Pankaj Kumar Singh is the 29th DG of BSF. 

1) After you took over as the DG BSF, how are you shaping the force to be better security and management?

BSF is manning 2289.6 Kms of international boundary with Pakistan and 85 km of the coastline in the Western theatre. Besides, BSF is also deployed to guard 143 km of LC with the Army. Similarly, in the East, the Force is manning 4096.7 kms of International boundary with Bangladesh. BSF has proved its mettle in diversified terrains.

Border men are vigilant round the clock to ensure the security of the border and border population and to prevent all sorts of trans-border crimes. Besides, BSF also is tasked with additional responsibilities like Internal Security, Anti Naxal, Anti- insurgency duties as well as protection of Vulnerable Areas and Vulnerable Points and Disaster Response.

BSF has been keenly exploring the use of advance technologies for meeting the requirement of maintaining an impregnable surveillance grid along the entire border. The security grid along the borders would be strong enough to deter any Anti National Element to cast an evil eye upon our security.

New challenges presented by our adversaries have been well identified. BSF has robust security system to meet any challenge.

2) BSF is the first line of defence on the borders of Pakistan and Bangladesh. How has the border management and infrastructure strengthened both the borders in terms of border fencing, tunnels and border roads?

BSF is manning long stretches of borders in East as well as West, as First Line of Defence, with Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively. The terrain along the borders in general, is diversified and challenging. Our adversaries often try to exploit the tough terrain and unfavourable geographical conditions to their advantage by infiltrating through nallahs in mountains, underground tunnelling or riverine gaps. Also, they make incessant efforts to smuggle arms and narcotics into Indian territory through various modus operandi including the use of UAVs / drones.

We have been incessantly putting in endeavours to make the system fool proof. Completion of Border Fence and Border Roads along IB in all the feasible gap areas has been a priority. So far, we have been able to cover 2768.9 kms (84%) of IB by Border Fence and 3516.95 kms (86%) by Border Road along the border with Bangladesh. Similarly, on Indo – Pak IB, 20 57.69 kms (98%) of Border Fence and 469.48 (65%) of Border Road have been constructed. BSF has already carried out extensive mapping of vulnerable patches and available resources are being utilized to cover these patches, accordingly.

New anti- tunnelling technology is being explored in collaboration with various organizations to put check the anti-national elements from indulging in any such nefarious activity. Frequent anti – tunnelling exercises are being carried out.

3) BSF Jammu and Ferozepur have made huge seizures of narcotics and firearms last year. What trends are being noticed, and how is BSF preparing to deal with this?

Due to their geographical locations, states of Punjab and Jammu have witnessed continuous attempts by anti – national elements to pump in narcotics and arms into our country. In recent times, we have observed rise in number of such attempts. Use of drones for smuggling purpose from across the border is a new trend.

Following measures have been taken by BSF along Indo – Pak border to prevent the trans-border crime:-

Detailed vulnerability mapping has been carried out along

Indo – Pak border to strengthen surveillance by deploying additional Special Surveillance Equipment, vehicles etc. Surveillance equipment like Hand Held thermal Imager (HHTI), Night Vision Device (NVD), Long – Range, Reconnaissance and Observation System (LORROS), Battle and Field Surveillance Radar (BFSR), Twin Telescope, UAVs etc. are being used as force multipliers for effective area domination. Integrated Surveillance technology equipped with CCTV/ PTZ cameras, IR Sensors and infrared alarm with Command and Control system are under consideration.

Effective domination of the borders by carrying out round the clock surveillance of the border, viz. patrolling, laying nakas, manning observation posts all along the IB.

Erection of Border Fence on the International Border.

Installation of Border Flood lights along border security fence to light up the area during hours of darkness.

Use of Water crafts/ Boats and floating BOPs for domination of riverine area of IB.

Strengthening of intelligence network and coordination with sister agencies.

Effective domination of the borders by 24x7 surveillance, patrolling, laying of Nakas including depth Nakas and manning of observation posts all along the IB.

4) What are technological initiatives being taken by BSF enhance operational capabilities to counter the prevailing threats of Western border with Pakistan and Eastern border with Bangladesh?

We have already identified the problem area and are preparing to meet the future challenges by employing latest and technological advanced gadgets. We are taking all steps to keep in sync with the modern technology. Government of India is fully supporting us to remain abreast with latest technologies to strengthen Border Guarding.

For enhanced border guarding and countering challenges, BSF is also in the process of exploring many technologies, to name a few:-

Foliage Penetration Radar: - For effective domination of dense forest areas thereby, denying ANEs the cover of thick vegetation, undergrowth and foggy conditions of the area.

Sniper Locating System: - Early detection of enemy sniper position would help in neutralization of hostile sniper.

Under Water Sensor: - Similar to underground threats, to counter under water threats, underwater sensors would be deployed to counter infiltration or smuggling of arms/ ammmunition/ narcotics through under water surface.

Detection & Demolition of IEDs :- ANO theatre is vulnerable of IEDs. Remotely Operative Vehicle (ROV) can counter IEDs through detection, handling and defusing of IEDs in urban as well as cross country terrain. Efforts are in hand for exploring of suitable technology for accessing its utility in BSF.

We are using CIBMS (Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System) and also Low Cost Technological

Solution to vigil International border in which various types of camera, sensors and equipment are being used:-

Two CIBMS Pilot projects in Jammu State covering 10 Kms have been completed. One CIBMS Project in Dhubri (Assam) 62 Km of Indo- Bangladesh International border is functional and in final stage of completion.

One CIBMS project in Karimganj, Assam covering 4.35 kms is under tendering stage. A proposal for Electronics Surveillance of vulnerable patches along Indo-Bangladesh border has been approved by MHA recently in which 484 Kms of border area will be covered.

5) There have been more than 60 drones spotted coming across the border and the threat of tunnels on Indo-Pak borders. How is BSF planning to deal with the threat?

The BSF has collaborated with scientific research organizations for exploring and implementing new technologies for preventing tunnelling activities as well as rogue drone activities. Frequent anti-tunnelling exercises are carried out in all the vulnerable patches. For tackling rogue drone menace, an SOP has been formulated and the troops have been kept on high alert. Any rogue drone activity is handled as per SOP approved by MHA.

The security of the borders essential for the security of the citizens in particular and security of the Nation in General. In our situation it gains much more importance as we are geographically surrounded by adversaries.

Traditional system of border guarding is primarily dependent on human effort, carrying out round the clock surveillance of International borders with some add-on surveillance equipment deployed in the standalone mode in sensitive patches of International Borders.

To achieve operational objectives of ensuring safe and secure International border, as an interim measure, BSF has enhanced surveillance grid by employing various state-of- the-art equipment and most modern technological solution all along the IB. However, to further upgrade the technology and strengthen the surveillance grid on international border a pilot project has been undertaken wherein various technical gadgets are integrated to form a more robust and impenetrable grid.

In addition to above, following critical surveillance technologies are also being employed/ explored to further strengthen our surveillance grid and counter the challenges faces on regular bases:-

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) - BSF is in the process of enhancing aerial surveillance capabilities on borders by deploying UAVs with day and night surveillance capability along with detection and tracking facilities.

Anti-Drone System – Menace of rogue drones have become a real challenge on the western front. Rogue drones are being used by adversaries for surveillance in our areas. There had also been instances wherein, rogue drones have been used by adversaries for smuggling of contraband items, dropping of weapons and explosive etc. in bordering areas. We are addressing the issue in a very proactive manner. The Government has directed to acquire the best technology available both within the country as well as abroad to counter this menace.

We have already deployed ADS equipment at vulnerable area. The results are good. Drone crossing have been checked. We are in process of upgrading our capabilities to have a robust mechanism to put a check on such activities.

We have also fine- tuned our deployment in field by synergizing efforts with all stakeholders to include State Police Forces, the Indian Air Force. Procurement of several Anti Drone System (Vehicle Mounted) is under process. These equipments will be deployed in Jammu & Punjab for countering the menace of drones.

Tunnel detection technology - With the development of high-tech and robust surveillance grid, the enemy has started utilizing tunnels for Anti National Activities. There had been few instances in the recent past, wherein, few tunnels have been detected on Western borders with Pakistan. BSF is in the process of deploying a robust system capable of early detection of tunnels which will further strengthen the existing surveillance grid. In addition to these efforts we have also modified our tactical deployment to counter these challenges besides conducting various anti tunnelling exercises.

6) BSF guards both land and water/ creek border at Pakistan and Bangladesh borders. Tell us about the use of drones, UAVs and purchase of bullet proof ATVs, other vehicles for the mordernization of the BSF and the use of artificial intelligence and robotics in the work of BSF?

The use of drones for surveillance on our borders, particularly on western front, has been realized. MHA has authorized adequate number of drones for extensive aerial surveillance of the most vulnerable areas on IB. Though UAVs are already being used in sensitive areas, procurement of more UAVs is in process for addressing the immediate operational requirement in different theatres.

The menace of rogue drones has become a real challenge on the western front. Rogue drones are being used by adversaries for surveillance in our areas. There had also been instances wherein, rogue drones have been used by adversaries for smuggling of contraband items, dropping of weapons, explosive etc. in bordering areas.

We are addressing the issue in a very proactive manner. We are in process of acquiring the best technology available to counter this menace.

BSF is utilizing Drones in conducting surveillance of the vulnerable areas. The use of drones is increasing rapidly. BSF is deploying latest technological solutions to dominate the border 24x7. We have already initiated the process for utilizing Artificial

Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is big way to meet the future challenges. While AI will be an integral part our CIBMS, Robotics will be utilized for the vulnerable areas and difficult terrains.

Drones being received from various Custom Commissionerate of India and are being issued to field formations after repairing in SIW for Ops purpose.

We have received 379 toy drones, 20 micro UAVs and 12 micro drones from Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai Customs. Among the bullet proof vehicles we have 

Light bullet proof vehicles (LBPVs)  340

Medium bullet proof vehicles (MBPVs)  192

Mine protected vehicles (MPVs)  63

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) 

The BSF has also been authorized 34 all-terrain vehicles (ATC). 5 Procurement of other vehicles. BSF is procuring normal vehicles as per OPS requirement.

7) The Indo – Bangladesh border witnesses cases of cow smuggling, drugs and infiltration. How has BSF secured the Indo – Bangladesh border to curb such cases?

Indo-BD border is characterized by habitation upto zero line at many places and geographical configuration of low lying, riverine and hilly regions, rendering the border porous. This situation is compounded by social-religio-ethnic and cultural affinity of the population on either side of the border. Nearly 2768.9 kms (84%) of border has been fenced so far and efforts are in hand to fence the remaining area, wherever feasible. There are large unfenced gaps on this border, which allow trans-border movement.

However, remedial steps taken by BSF to prevent cattle smuggling and other crimes on Indo-Bangladesh border are as under:-

Vulnerability mapping of the Border Out Posts (BOPs) with reference to cattle smuggling and other crimes has been carried out. These BOPs found Vulnerable have been strengthened by deploying additional man power, Special Surveillance equipments, vehicles and other infrastructure support, which has improved the border domination.

Effective domination of the borders by carrying out round the clock surveillance of the border, viz, patrolling, laying nakas, establishing of observation posts all along the IB and strengthening of existing defences of the BOPs.

Erection of Border Fencing on the International border. Installation of Border Floodlight on the IB. 

Use of water crafts/ boats and floating BOPs for domination of riverine area of IB. 

Introduction of Force multipliers and Hi-Tech surveillance equipments to reduce stress level of troops and enhance the surveillance of border such as LORROS, BFSR, HHTI, NVDs/ NVGs etc. Constant efforts are being made to procure the latest surveillance equipments for further enhancing the border domination.

Up-gradation of intelligence network and coordination with sister agencies.

Conduct of special operations along the border and in depth areas.

Frequent visit to border by unit commandant and other senior officers to supervise effective domination of the border.

Apart from the ways and means to tackle infiltration and smuggling attempts enumerated above, we have coordinated Border Management Plan’ with BGB to make a joint effort for negating attempts for these trans-border crimes. These measures have resulted in seizures of large number of cattle on Indo-Bangladesh border. We also seize huge quantity of narcotics regularly on both Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangladesh borders.

8) Is BSF going to increase the manpower in the force with more recruitments? Have you planned to develop more specialized wings in the BSF for better supervision and work?

The details of candidates selected for various posts during the 2021 are as under:-

GOs - 141

SOs - 729

ORs - 17245

Total - 18115

During the present year, following recruitment of various posts is on:-

GOs - 399

SOs - 667

ORs - 10761

Total - 11827

Besides these, during the year, offer of appointment to selected 12 posts of Group – ‘B’; 219 posts of Group –‘C’ have been issued and process of issuing offer of appointment to selected 611 posts Group –‘B’ is under progress.

9) The BSF has raised a strong force of Mahila Praharis. How has their induction impacted the role and task of BSF?

We have recruited many women in the BSF which also includes recruitment to the kin of the deceased. We have a specialized women unit of ‘Seema Bhawani’ who have shown exemplary courage, determination and broken all barriers to join BSF and not just work as personnel in BSF but daredevil team of BSF that perform stunts and goes on bike expeditions to spread the message of women empowerment. 

The Seema Bhawanis started a bike expedition this year from India Gate on International Women’s Day and completed 5280 kilometers in merely 18 days record time. Most of these women come from humble backgrounds and have paved a new path for their life that makes BSF immensely proud. 

There are 242607 women personnel in BSF out of the total authorized strength of 265277

The women in BSF are performing as good as their male counterpart. They have proved their mettle in the operational field are equally effective. They are always welcome to be part of this elite organization.

10) BSF started the SAHARA initiative for the families and children of the BSF Martyrs. How is the initiative shaping up and helping the BSF families?

‘SAHARA’ – Tele counselling & web-link for children of BSF personnel who laid down their lives in the line of duty:-

The Wards of BSF personnel, either of whose parents have laid down their lives in the line of duty for the Nation, face a situation marked with pain and uncertainty. Loss of either parent leads to severe psychological manifestations of grief and trauma. These children are socially and psychologically most vulnerable to exploitation and abuse and require immediate psycho-social care support. To address this issue, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and Border Security Force

(BSF) jointly worked on a unique and noble mechanism to provide psycho-social and academic counselling to support such children of deceased BSF personnel with an aim to alleviate their fear and trauma, to help them overcome their grief and return to mainstream and to stand-up and fight for their rights and resist exploitation.

‘SAHARA’ (Supportive Action with Holistic Approach to build Resilience among the children of Central Armed Police Force Personnel) is an innovative Tele and Web Counselling Platform for providing emotional support, psycho-social first aid and counselling by experienced counsellors to such children of deceased BSF personnel to help them cope with the emotional trauma, fear of uncertainty and grief due to untimely and tragic loss of one of their loved parents and to help them resist exploitation and abuse. This facility is functional from 10 AM to 5 PM (Monday to Friday). As per the mandate of the Commission under Section 13(1) (j) of Commission for Protection of Child

Rights (CPCR) Act 2005, expert counsellors associated with NCPCR provide psycho-social and academic counselling and guidance to the children on their grievances, queries, problems pertaining to their rights entitlements, issues pertaining to education, health and other fields and also about violations, exploitation, abuse and deprivations, if any, on priority in coordination with BSF. Further, the cases requiring intervention of the force or local administration are obtained and settled as per extant welfare schemes and policies of the force and law of the land.

Since inception on in February 2021, a total 294 Wards of BSF personnel have approached SHAHARA for counselling and 109 of these requests have been fully resolved. Rest of the cases are in process and likely to be resolved soon through joint initiative of BSF & NCPCR.

In view of the increasing level of stress amongst the force personnel and rising cases of suicides/fratricide NCPCR has been requested to help launch a Toll-free Tele/web counselling platform for psychological counselling of serving personnel of BSF.

11) The dog squad of BSF regarded as one of the best squads in the CAPFs. How are you planning to strengthen the squad with more requirements an training?

We are taking some key steps to further strengthen the BSF dog squads:-

BSF dogs are trained at ‘National Training Centre for Dogs’, Tekanpur which has been declared as ‘Centre of Excellence’ and is the only dog training Centre in the country to achieve ISO 9001 certificate.

Breeding pups of Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Labrador are being undertaken judiciously to further increase the output.

Breeding of Indigenous breeds is also being undertaken (Rampur Hound, Mudhol Hound)

Procurement of quality dogs is regularly carried out in planned and phased manner regionally.

Another unique initiative taken in BSF is to train women dog handlers.

Recently new dare devil acts have been introduced in the dog training to prepare our dogs to perform duties in most challenging and arduous operational scenario.

Trials on training of indigenous breeds are underway and progressing in the right direction with promising results. The final field trials will be undertaken soon.

12) What is your vision for the welfare of the BSF personnel in terms of their health and wellbeing? How is BSF trying to give the best to their personnel?

A Medical Officer is posted in each BSF Battalion where 10 bedded Hospital is authorized for providing treatment to BSF personnel and their families.

At present, two 100 bedded, eight 50 bedded BSF Composite Hospitals are established for providing better treatment to BSF serving personnel and their dependents.

BSF provides medical facility to serving BSF personnel and their dependents through BSF Unit Hospitals/ Composite Hospitals and also through Govt. Hospitals and CS (MA)/CGHS recognized private hospitals. BSF retirees are issued CGHS cards at the time of retirement and they get medical facilities from CGHS dispensary/ Hospitals.

Cashless medical facilities through PMJAY has been started in PMJAY CAPFs approved Hospitals for the treatment of all CAPFs personnel including their families/ dependents.

Money spent on treatment of serving BSF personnel and their dependents is being reimbursed at prevailing rates as per CGHS/CS (MA) Rules 1944.

Regular mental counselling sessions are being organized by field formations for mental wellbeing of troops and their families.

Annual Medical Examination including mental & physical health check – up of each and every person is being done annually so that health related issue may be determined and medicare may be provided to troops timely.

Modern health equipment and diagnostics health system are being procured under modernization plan for improving of health and treatment system.

Tele medicine facility has been re-started in BSF through Google meet and till date 364 patients from various field formations have consulted specialists like cardiologist, physicians, orthopedic, general surgeon and dietician.

13) BSF lost many personnel during the pandemic while trying to protect the borders? How has the pandemic changed the work of BSF in the last two years?

Being the “First Line of Defense” BSF is managing/ guarding international border in Eastern theatre and Western theatre. It was a mammoth and unique challenge before BSF to tackle COVID–19 without compromising operational efficiency.

Maintaining the morale of the troops was also a big challenge. BSF troops handled the situation in a professional manner without comprising their primary duty i.e. security of Border. The job of securing the borders is a manpower intensive task which

BSF has undertaken effectively during the pandemic years and will continue after the pandemic also.

14) Your father DG Prakash Singh also headed the BSF. You are now on the same post as your father. How did he inspire you?

My father was the Director General of BSF and I grew up seeing him. He inspired me to take up uniform services. As a son and as an officer, he has been an inspiration for me. It gives me happiness, immense pride as well a sense of double responsibility; representing BSF and responsibility to this chair. 

I strongly believe that when you are positive and determined to achieve a goal, you can reach at any height. I always put forth my ideas with a positive approach and the authorities support. As the Chief of the BSF, I put forth ideas for implementation, speak for my officers and receive the support. We are on the path of growth. 

An officer of the Rajasthan cadre, Pankaj Kumar Singh  has served as ADG Crime, ADG Traffic, IGP Jaipur Range and IG (Law and Order) and served in many districts of Rajasthan Police. He served in the Central Bureau of Investigation as SP and had a successful stint in the Central Reserved Police Force in West Bengal, Chattisgarh and Delhi as IGP (Operations). 

Pankaj Kumar Singh also served in the United Nations International Police task Force in Bosnia and has been decorated with UN Peace Medal (Bar), President Police Medal for Distinguished Services and Police Medal for Meritorious Services. 

A native of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Pankaj Kumar Singh holds degree in BSc (Physics), LLB, M Phil and an MBA from IIM-A. 

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