The funds raised by counterfeiting & smuggling activities are directly utilized for anti-social activities and are a threat to the nation- Ravindra Sengaonkar, IGP Maharashtra Police

New Delhi, October 22
FICCI CASCADE with senior IPS officer, Ravindra Sengaonkar held a session on capacity building programme for Maharashtra Police on measurer for counterfeiting and smuggling.
Inspector General of Police, Training and Special Unit, Ravindra Sengaonkar said, “Any offense related to counterfeiting or smuggling has to be investigated thoroughly, professionally and should have a logical conclusion. The funds raised by counterfeiting & smuggling activities are directly utilized for anti-social activities and are a threat to the nation. Hence, it is important that we assign adequate priority to such cases.”
Anil Rajput, Chairman, FICCI CASCADE said, “The police department is the primary law enforcement agency in our country and play a significant role in ensuring the protection of legitimate businesses from illicit players. Although there are adequate laws available, their enforcement makes the role of police officers even more important in the fight against counterfeiters and smugglers.”
Complementing the officers, he further said that top class information, timely action and a proactive approach against the criminals who indulge in illicit activities, exhibited by the Maharashtra Police is indeed a great service to the nation.
Deep Chand, Advisor FICCI CASCADE and Former Special Commissioner of Police, New Delhi said, “Capacity building in terms of skill, infrastructure and technology is essential for the law enforcement agencies in improving the detection and investigation of crimes relating to counterfeiting and smuggling. Moreover, severe extant bail provisions, rigorous imprisonment and stringent monetary penalty are also imperative to create the desired deterrence.”
Speakers from ITC, Johnson and Johnson and Marico highlighted industry issues and spoke on the need for collaborative actions with police to counter such offences. In pursuance of its mandate, FICCI-CASCADE has been organizing similar programs across the country in briefing enforcement agencies on procedural and enforcement issues while tackling illicit trading activities.
The capacity building program was conducted in two parts, one for the PSIs on 20th October and the other one for DySPs and ACPs today. The workshop saw participation of several officers of Maharashtra Police across various districts. The capacity building programs were aimed to sensitize the police officers on the importance of continued awareness and seriousness of the impact of counterfeit and smuggled goods.