Delhi Police launched webinar on wellness for police personnel

New Delhi, April 16

With a surge in Covid 19 cases, Delhi Police relaunched the , ‘PHQ Wellness Series’ webinars on "Prevention and Coping Strategies for COVID 19.

The Delhi Police being in the frontline in the fight against corona, it becomes imperative to focus on their own well-being to remain useful to serve others. 

Over 500 police personnel of all ranks took part in the webinar, inaugurated by the Commissioner of Police, SN Shrivastava. 

The webinar was telecasted live on Delhi Police FaceBook page as well as YouTube channel for the benefit of online viewing by interested persons. 

The panelists from the medical field included Dr Neeraj Nishchal, Associate Professor of Medicine, AIIMS Delhi, Dr. Sasha Raikhy, Counseling Psychologist and Psychotherapist and Dr. Neeraj Kaushik, Chief Acupuncturist, Naturopath & Trainer who sensitized the police personnel on how to protect themselves effectively by observing social distancing norms and also prevent the spread of corona.  

The Special Commissioner of Police, Nuzhat Hassan introduced the doctors on panel and moderated the webinar while Spl CP (EOW) Shri Devesh Chandra Srivastava coordinated the discussions with doctors and police personnel on audience. 

Inaugurating the webinar, CP Delhi, SN Shrivastava suggested that police personnel can have a separate room for themselves in their homes to safeguard their families in these times of surge. He also informed that several hospitals have been requested to spare beds for Delhi Police personnel who are frontline warriors. 

The CP Delhi directed that district officers and PHQ officers shall coordinate with various hospitals to arrange for proper treatment of ailing personnel.  He also said more and more such webinars shall be held shortly for awareness on covid protection. 

The panelists suggested several precautions that can be taken by police personnel while performing their day-to-day duties during the pandemic period. They answered queries to clear doubts of participants and encouraged them to follow certain safeguards. 

Most of the queries centered on the vaccination for Covid19. Participants were also keen to know whether they can be struck by the virus again after getting cured and what should be the duration of precautions. The panelists addressed their queries to the satisfaction of the participants.

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