New Delhi, March 5

The Delhi Traffic Police issued an advisory for the Delhi Marathon organized by the Athletic Federation of India on Sunday at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.

The advisory states that all the runs shall be flagged off from Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium and will finish at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. 

Full Marathon 42 Kms 0430Hrs 200 + 200, Half Marathon 21 kms 0630Hrs 200 and 10 KM Run 0730 Hrs 200

Half Marathon - 21 Km

Start inside the JLN Stadium west block towards Gate No. 1- Go Straight-T/R on Bhisma Pitamaha Road -Go straight-T/R on Lodhi  Road -T/L on Archbishop Makarios Marg (wrong carriageway)-Go Straight -Take U turn from Subramaniam Bharti Marg T Point on same carriageway-Go Straight-T/L on Lodhi Road- T/L on Mathura Road  -T/L on Subramaniam Bharti Marg (Kaka Nagar)-T/R onDr. Zakir Hussain Marg-T/L on C Hexagon (left side of the road)-T/L on Rajpath-T/L on Maan Singh Road-Take U turn from Maan Singh-Akbar Road R/A-Maan Singh Road-T/L on Rajpath- Go straight on Rajpath-Turn left on Janpath-Take U turn before Maulana Azad -Janpath R/A- Janpath-T/L on Rajpath-Go straight -Take U turn from Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg / Rajpath Crossing – Rajpath - Go straight-T/L on Janpath-T/L on Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road-Take U turn from Krishi Bhawan-Rajendra Prasad Road- Go Straight-T/L on Janpath-Take U turn from Windsor circle-Janpath- Go Straight –T/L on Rajpath-Go Straight – T/L on Maan Singh Road-Take U turn from Jaswant Singh R/A- Maan Singh Road- Go straight -T/L on Rajpath- Go straight towards India Gate-T/R on C Hexagon from Rajpath/C- Hexagon-T/R on Dr.ZakirHusaain Marg- T/L on Subramaniam Bharti Marg- T/R on Mathura Road (wrong carriageway)-T/R Lodhi Road- T/L on Bhishma Pitamaha Marg-Go straight-T/L on to Stadium  Entrance Road -Finish outside the Stadium.

Full Marathon-42 KM:  

Route will be same as of half marathon, it will take two round of the same route.

10 KM Route: 

Start inside the JLN Stadium west block towards Gate No. 1- Go Straight-T/R on Bhisma Pitamaha Road-Go straight-T/R on Lodhi Road -T/L on Archbishop Makarios Marg (wrong carriageway)-Go Straight -Take U turn from Subramaniam Bharti Marg on same carriageway-Go Straight-T/L on Lodhi Road- T/L to Mathura Road- U turn on Mathura Road from Blind School- T/R on Lodhi Road – T/L on Bhishma Pitamaha Marg – Go straight- T/L on to Stadium Entrance Road- Finish outside the main stadium.


Entry for the stadium would be through Gate Nos. 13 and 08. Entry for VIPs and Media would be from Gate No. 05.

All invitees, participants intending to go to Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium shall reach before 03:00AM. Restrictions on general traffic shall be imposed after 03:30 AM and will stay in force till 11:00 AM (approx.).


The participants can park their vehicles at the following parking places:-

(i) Barapullah Parking
(ii) Inside Scope Complex
(iii) Inside Gate No.5, Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium (VIP & Media Parking)


Motorists are advised for their own convenience to avoid the following roads:

Bhishma Pitahmah Marg Mathura Road
Lodhi Road between India Habitiat Centre Crossing to Lodhi Road Flyover Subramaniam Bharti Marg between Mathura Road and Humayun Road.
Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg Lala Lajpat Rai Marg
Arch Bishop Makarios Road Janpath Road
C-Hexagon India Gate from Sher Shah Road to Rajpath Shahjahan Road
Rajpath between ‘C’ Hexagon and Janpath Pandara Road towards C-Hexagon
Man Singh Road Akbar Road between R/A Man Singh Road and C-Hexagon
Sher Shah Road Purana Qila Road
Dr. Rajender Prasad Road Roads of CGO Complex


1. Maharishi Raman Marg- Subramaniam Bharti. Marg No traffic will be allowed towards Lodhi Road form Khan Market Light Point except bonafide residents of Lodhi Estate and Bharti Nagar.
2. Arch Bishop Marg- Subramaniam Bharti. Marg No traffic will be allowed towards Lodhi Road except bonafide residents of Golf Link.
3. Meharchand Market No traffic towards Bhishma Pitamah Marg.
4. R/A Neela Gumbad No traffic on Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg.
5. Ashram Chowk No bus towards Nizamuddin. These buses shall be diverted towards Sarai Kale Khan
6. Andrews Ganj Chowk No bus shall be allowed on Bhishma Pitamah Marg. These buses shall be diverted towards AIIMS.
7. Moolchand Chowk. No bus towards Nehru Stadium via Lala Lajpat Rai Marg. These buses shall be diverted towards Ashram Chowk-Sarai Kalekhan.
8. ‘Q’ Point No traffic towards Shahjahan Road and C-Hexagon
9. R/A Moti Lal Nehru Place -No traffic on MLN Marg towards Q Point.
-No traffic on Akbar road towards C-Hexagon.
10. Maulana Azad – Janpath Crossing No traffic on Maulana Azad Road towards India Gate except bonafide residents.
11. C-Hexagon- Rajpath No traffic on Rajpath towards R.P. Bhawan.
12. R/A Man Singh Road No traffic on Akbar Road towards C-Hexagon.
13. Subramaniam  Bharti Marg – Humayun Road No traffic towards SBM Marg – Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg crossing and Zoo.
14. Mathura Road- Subramaniam  Bharti Marg No traffic on Subramaniam  Bharti Marg.
15. Mathura Road. – Shershah Road. No Traffic on Shershah Road Towards C-Hexagon.
16. Mathura Road. – Purana Qila Road. No traffic towards C-Hexagon except bonafide residents of Purana Qila Road.
17. R/A Jaswant Singh • No traffic towards Rajpath
• No traffic on Rajindra Prasad road towards Janpath.
18. R/A Janpath – Dr. Rajender Prasad Road No traffic on Dr. Rajender Prasad Road towards India Gate.
19. South foot of Lodhi Flyover No traffic on flyover towards Pragati Maidan.
20. Sewa Nagar crossing No traffic towards Gate No. 5, Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium

Traffic would not be permitted on route of New Delhi Marathon from 04.00 AM to 10:00 AM. Similarly,  traffic would not be permitted towards the route from any internal/colonies roads.  However cross traffic would be permitted whenever there is sufficient gap between the Runners at any particular intersection.


All emergency vehicles including vehicles of Delhi Police, Ambulances, Fire Brigade and other Emergency Service Vehicles would be allowed to cross the route of marathon during emergent situations, when proceeding on emergency duties.


Adequate traffic arrangements have been made for diversion and regulation of traffic. General public and motorists are also advised to use public transport to avoid congestion on roads. General public and motorists are advised to plan their journeys keeping the Half Marathon in mind and advance their journeys so that delay can be taken into account. Motorists are advised to follow the directions of the traffic policemen posted on roads to avoid inconvenience.

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