Delhi Police launch interactive videos on cyber bulling, stalking and abuse against children

New Delhi, May 25

The Delhi Police have come up with new interactive videos to educate children against cybercrimes from cyber bullying to stalking, online harassment to sextortion. 

In a grand programme at the Delhi High Court, the Delhi Police launched the cyber awareness videos in presence of 250 schools that were present. The programme also hosted an awareness workshop on online child sexual abuse and exploitation. 

The programme that is a joint initiative of Delhi Police Delhi High Court was hosted in the presence of Justice PS Narsimha, Judge Supreme Court of India, Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Satish Chandra Sharma and Delhi CP Sanjay Arora.

The short videos that are informative and interactive have been designed to educate children who use the cyber space round the clock. The school going children are also on social media and are often exposed to threats of cybercrime.

The students present at the programme were shown interactive videos on cybercrime while cyber experts tutored them on various cybecrimes and prevention of the same. 

The Delhi Police have put up billboards and posters in many parts of the city to spread awareness on cybercrimes against children. A series of short videos have been uploaded on You Tube talking about various cybercrimes and details on how to report and prevent themselves from falling prey to it. 

Watch the first short film released on protect children from sexual abuse in the upcoming series of videos on cybercrime against childen

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